The Last Continent by Terry Pratchett

I hate to admit that the last couple of Mr. Pratchett's books have been a miss for me. The usual humor isn't as laugh out loud quality, and the satire seems to have upped its game to full blown political critiques. I'm normally a huge fan of Rincewind--and to a lesser degree the wizards of Unseen University--but his extreme sense of self-preservation lacked charisma this go around. Every character seemed to be going through the motions. Maybe it was the lack of Luggage.

Maybe it's because I'm not British. Most of the Australian or Imperial witticisms sailed right over my head. The fact I had to concentrate not to miss allusions probably also contributed to my reduced enjoyment of the novel. Despite all these flaws, it is still a Discworld novel and was worth the read in the end to have at least read the entire series in order, as per my goal. 

I don't think I'm the only one that notice a deterioration in this era of Pratchett publishing, though. The 20s have seen a decrease in stars on reviews, which lends to my argument even the best authors have a slump. Here's to hoping Carpe Jugulum picks up the slack.


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