Here is to beginnings

I do not believe in New Year's resolutions. 

Everyone fails at them, or forgets what they chose by February. Every day of every year you should be moving towards a goal that makes your life better, which in turn betters the world around you. I strongly try to be that better spirit that impacts the people in my life in a chain reaction of kindness and tolerance. To be a stronger person and more resilient role model, I do understand that we need to do things for ourselves that just focus on our core every now and again.

So here is my mock resolution to myself this year:

I will read 75 books. Seems simple enough; it isn't even two books a week. Well I gave myself the same goal last year and didn't even make it to 50. There are more influences in my life that keep me from my fondest past time that I must find how to juggle better this year. I got married last year and found an entire month go by without a single book in my hands. With the advent of, I have developed a substantial list of "to read" material across the spectrum of current novels and classic literature. My small goal of 75 will not bring me close to denting this ever expanding monster, but I hope to increase the yearly goal as life settles around me (and I, hopefully, find my stride in multi-tasking).

In order to keep myself on track and perhaps provide amusement to the masses, I will be posting reviews of the books I read to keep a motivation for my goal. 

Here is to beating last year's goal!


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