Fell off the edge of the world

Or so it seems. Trying to read multiple books at once seems to make it impossible to finish any at all. But over the weekend I made a valiant effort to finish up all the pieces of what I had been reading. I also took the week to tidy up my unfinished project: cleaning the living space to minimize the crap and prepare for our move. Sold off some of the bulkier furniture I never wanted to move again. I will never own another couch. EVER! Note to visitors:  bring your own seating or be prepared to be cozy on a love seat. It felt nice to pare down and organize the clutter to manageable moving loads. The whole process seemed to jive very well with my reading material. Wonder which one inspired which?

Build the Perfect Bug Out Bag by Creek Stewart

I think part of what made this a longer read is the activity that goes along with the reading. I pulled out my own survival gear and made comparisons and lists of what I should add or delete from my gear. I also involved my husband with the process and he had many arguments to the cause between the author's suggestions and his own Eagle Scout preference. That added several hours onto my usual pace. 

Overall, the book was very informative and helpful. To someone who is already fairly prepared for a quick "bug out" to the woods (and for much longer than 72 hours to get to some predetermined location), it was not a completely necessary read. It did provide valid conversation for the my husband and I to determine each of our levels of preparedness. Mine is substantially below par (but that just cemented my argument that is why I married an Eagle Scout to take care of me). This book would be fantastic for someone like myself but does not have a partner of extreme survival experience to tag along with them. There are excellent charts and lists of links where you can find all your major backpack needs. The author also provides helpful exercises to ensure that you are capable of pulling off such things as hiking more than a mile, starting a fire, drawing your own clean water, and building a shelter. The language is engaging and makes you want to be prepared. 

Here's to running away from the mainstream!


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