Series Wrap-Up

A weekend of rainy days and spider bites; I spent the entire time curled up with some of my favorite books. I am sad to see the series come to a close but excited there is a follow up series.

Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama

Dragon Ball Vol. 14: Heaven and Earth  Dragon Ball Vol. 15: The Titanic Tournament  Dragon Ball Vol. 16: Goku vs. Piccolo
Fantastic place to end the childhood of our Dragon Ball heroes. The story could potentially end here, but I am so happy that it continues on for some more laughs, hardships, and great life lessons. As usual, I am glad for the animated series, because some of my favorite "episodes" occur outside of the manga in the regular day-to-day life of Goku and Chi Chi. The development of their union was a great bonus of the TV series. (Side note: They probably added those shows to make the fandom a little more dual gendered. I certainly don't mind the manga series for all the fighting but like to see a little more presence of the female characters.)

Here is to a different type of entertainment!


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