Where would the ladies be without their gentlemen?

How are we already into summer? My, my. I guess it is time to start putting together the list of beach books. If you have not started the Magnificent Devices series, then I highly recommend you put the entire set on your list. You'll be set all beach season.

A Gentleman of Means by Shelley Adina

A Gentleman of Means by Shelley AdinaYet another amazing book in this series. I am continuously impressed with the direction these novels take each time. Books 1-4 focus on the fabulous Claire Trevelyan, Lady of Devices. Book 5-6 cover the mysterious background of the Mopsies. While we take adventures with these excellent female leads, we are able to meet some other very fascinating personalities. Alice Chalmers becomes the star of book 7. 

The stories are comprehensive, but I never feel like any character is getting stale. Each novel brings a very new direction for the series. Shelley Adina set her writing future up nicely when she had Lady Claire adopt a quirky band of misfit orphans. We are going to solve the mystery of Tigg aka Thomas Terwilliger. 

The previous novels have centered around the lives of some very formidable women. My favorite aspect of this novel is yet another new angle on the Magnificent Devices world. We will now experience the men that hold the women up. The dynamic balance in all the relationships present in this series hearten me. Both genders balance and raise their partners to the best heights. Their is love and bonding through friendship and loyalty.

Not only that, but Tigg's story has adventure, heartbreak, and intrigue. The whole thing paces along just right. I rode up and down with the emotions of the characters. These novels are so easy to get invested in on all levels. This one may have even taken place as my favorite of the series.

Some strings that were left unraveled in book 7 get picked up here and tied up quite nicely. All the favorite characters are back: Lady Claire, the Mopsies, Jake and Alice, Ian Hollys, Snouts, and Gloria. There are even a few new faces in the orphanage (even more promise of new books?--I certainly hope so!). All these wonderful people moving about with one another without getting chaotic or confused. A feat I still am impressed by.

Hope by the end of this you have already picked up your copy.


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