Final Dragonsworn now out!

I am pleased to announce that this review also comes with a FREE BOOK! That is right. I have a giveaway for an autographed, first edition of Soul of Smoke to get you started with the series if you have been holding off to see my final review on the value of the entire trilogy. Take this chance to get your copy and get started down a path you won't regret.

Truth of Embers by Caitlyn McFarland

We have come to the conclusion of the Dragonsworn trilogy. And let me just say, it has been a journey. I felt the potential in the first novel, but that doesn't always pan out the way a reader hopes. I am very pleased that I decided to stick with this series. Every novel was better than the one before. The emotions were heartfelt, the tensions were greater, and the stakes for humankind were higher. We still get some excellent thrills from the dragon battles and tension from Juli the spy. 

The war between Rhys and Owen hits a new level of strategy and intrigue (and can I just say grossness). I really was amazed at how much this novel grew in plot and storytelling. Everything moves along without letting anything become overdone or too drawn out.

The love stories for all the characters are possibly going to disappoint some readers. You won't be needing a fan to cool yourself down. These are not mushy, over the top romances. They are real, gritty relationships. All of the characters came together in a realistic way. There is the heartsworn couple, the love triangle, the dismissed lover, the forbidden lovers, and the unheartsworn couple. Ms. McFarland provides us with all the types of love. What makes any of them more valuable? Are they all the same kind of love? You really get to think on relationships with this book (and that is my type of romance).

The final novel also deals with the different kinds of leadership. The struggles between wanting power and wanting to do something for the people around us. I really just ended up being impressed with how much a dragon romance could make me think about my own life. While I wanted to punch Kai in the first novel, the story does not leave much room for her continued whining. Life keeps throwing some very harsh lessons her way. She is no longer a 20 year old pampered college student; she is queen of the dragons. 

4 stars for the growth factor, and I greatly look forward to more from Caitlyn McFarland. Now hurry up and enter that giveaway above!!


  1. I want to read them in order so I'm excited to start with Soul of Smoke.


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