Soaring on the wings of a phoenix

Hopefully everyone had an enjoyable and safe St. Patrick's Day (and hopefully the hangovers are few). For those who need to relax this weekend and recover, I recommend they pick up the Wycaan Master series and tuck in for some good reading. Books can cure anything. I do warn you--this epic fantasy series can make your weekend go by in the blink of an eye; the tale is so engrossing.

From Ashes They Rose by Alon Shalev

26257509We start the fifth in the Wycaan series wondering if he did it again. Did the author really kill off another beloved character? Well, the other characters just don't think it is possible. Our close knit warriors are divided in their individual missions. Some to find Seanchai--because let's face it, he is super awesome and just cannot be killed. I repeat CANNOT be killed. Right?-- and others on their own quests of discovery. 

Just when the crew thought they had the upper hand on the nation and could finally start to rebuild; a larger, more deadly threat strikes fear in their hearts. The amazing races from book four have made a return to endear our hearts further with the depth of Shalev's world creation. The epic mystery builds as we are presented with yet another unique race of beings. Shalev has a talent for creating in depth idealogies and backgrounds for his races. I really dig the realism of Taragusii running around being bitter mercenaries. Will they gain a conscious in the sixth book? I like debating and wondering until I find out. And whatever happened to my Aqua'lanis?

I have so many wonderful questions--and theories to go along with the all glorious plot opportunities--that have piled up my excitement for book six. A true epic fantasy builds a big enough picture that you come back to look in all the nooks and crannies. That is what the Wycaan series brings to the table.


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