Come fly with me...

...let's take off in the blue. Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. I spent mine on video games and reading because I had snow outside. In April? Indeed! I have plants in bloom and snow. It is spring, right? The plus side to such temperatures is lack of guilt for cuddling under some poodles indoors reading the day away. Gardening certainly can't be accomplished with frozen ground. This week will be a busy week and make up for all the sloth, but I'll still find some reading (and review posting) time because I'm a bookworm first and foremost.

Fields of Air by Shelley Adina

28802356I continue to love this series. I am hoping inspiration just keeps on churning. I am incredibly attached to the characters at this point. They have morphed before my very eyes. I have loved, laughed, and lost with them. And at an incredibly alarming rate! There is a new book every year—actually just a little less than a year. And they are all wonderful. They never seem to suffer from being so close together.

Sure, I have some that are ranked higher than others, but they have never suffered a bad review from me. I buy, and then subsequently read, each one when they are released. I should probably pace my reading to extend my time with these characters, but I just cannot put the novels down once they are in my hand.

Gloria is proving to be a wonderfully endearing character. She is the American version of Lady Claire. We are following along as she grows and finds her voice as the sudden owner of a major corporation. Very American of her. Her transformation from the beginning of the series has certainly been the most pronounced. She went from being a background character of Claire’s escapades to the leading lady of her own trilogy.

We continue to get adventure, subterfuge and romance in healthy balance. Plenty of things explode and plenty of people have awkward interactions with each other. We also seem to get a fair share of floods. These women really need a weather alert chicken to keep them drier. But then again, we wouldn’t get to meet such fascinating people. Hill people? Really? Love it! I’m really looking forward to where Gloria is going to go from here.


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