Not your typical library. Would you want a card?

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. We are back on new book Tuesday with an oldie, but a goodie. After plunging through a waist-high stack of Netgalley need to reads, I finally found the bottom. Miracle! I even managed to situate my reading schedule from Netgalley to allow a small window for personal reading. The below novel has been practically burning a hole through my shelf since Christmas, so it is new to me on this release day. It craved being read. I complied.

Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs

I love this series! And now, Tim Burton is making a movie from the first novel? What! He is absolutely the best director and creative mind to bring Miss Peregrine to the screen. If you have not yet begun this series, I highly recommend you look into now. There is a wonderful box set on Amazon that is worth every penny.

Freak shows have become increasingly popular in television, movies and literature. They blend the natural world with fantasy in a laid back fashion. Your imagination doesn't have to be as big to enjoy tales of the peculiar. The stories aren't as exhausting to read as those wonderful epic fantasies. They are like escape-lite.

This collection of peculiar children have made some of the most fun adventure reads for me. They have a touch of grim but keep everything from plunging into total darkness. There is whimsy and heartache. A balance of light and dark that would make any tightrope walker proud. I really cannot express how greatly this book has balance and symmetry in its writing. 

We pick up exactly where we left off in Hollow City. There is not a moment to catch our breath as the peculiars charge ahead into new and fascinating (in that creepy kind of way notable to this series) loops. Jacob struggles with the old and new better than most coming-of-age novels: making decisions in life is never easy and never comes with the solution we imagined. The ending isn't unpredictable, but it concludes the trilogy sweetly and succinctly. 


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