How did my month get so Sci-Fi?

What better way to create an air of mystery in your fantasy fiction world than create your own author?  That is exactly how we came up with Pittacus Lore.  He even has his own author page on the publisher's website.  That is dedication.

I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

Image result for i am number fourWhen I spent a holiday season working in a book store as a book seller, we always kept the Pittacus Lore books on shelves.  They were very successful with the teen readers.  I, however, had invested no time in reading them myself.  Then I saw the movie and the Kindle version went on sale roughly at the same time.  I have a strong belief that books are better than their visual counterparts.  They don't have time constraints for number one.  For number two, you get to use your imagination to build the worlds and characters which will most certainly not match up to a stylist, concept artist or casting director anywhere.

I was surprised at how close the movie was to the book.  It was impressive.  The plot was directly correlated between screen and page with minor, "unnecessary" scenes taken out.  These are the scenes that don't really build the characters or the world yet keep the book moving at a nice pace and filled out with pages.  As usual, nothing and no one looked like my imagination of them, but I may have been a little biased with having watched the movie first as to how they all shaped up in my mind--(they were like some hybrid of imagination and movie representations).

The most surprising bit of the entire story is how gut-wrenching the action was.  I haven't read a book in quite awhile where I stayed up past my bedtime to see what happened next.  The action or adventure stories I've been reading all had a break in the action somewhere that made a good stopping point for me to jump back into the real world.  I couldn't pull that off with this novel.  I found myself binge reading for hours and had the whole thing finished before I realized there was a real world happening around me.

I stand firm that digital books shouldn't be more than $5 so I won't be reading the next in this series until there is some form of sale or the digital publishing industry gets less greedy.  (I'm guessing there will be a sale first.)  Until then, I'll switch back to my toppling (metaphysically--as they all exist in the digital microcosm of Netgalley) to-be-read pile and perhaps unbury myself before New Year's.

Check out the Cover Reveals tab as I have some exciting new covers posted there from some truly gifted authors. 


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