Stronger, Faster, and More Beautiful by Arwen Elys Dayton

A look at what the future holds.  Or does it?  That is the beauty behind this collection of short stories by Arwen Elys Dayton.  It will make you think and debate about a topic that is very real.  Are we meant for modification?  Where do we draw the line in the sand?  Are humans capable of playing God?

You may remember that I reviewed the start of the "Seeker" series from Arwen Elys Dayton a few years ago.  They were an excellent set of young adult fantasies with serious depth of character.  When Stronger, Faster, and More Beautiful hit Netgalley, I had to request a copy.  (You can check out my "Seeker" reviews here and here.)

This is not an anthology, but it is a series of short stories.  This novel is a timeline of human evolution.  Each story revolves around a character experiencing our transition from human to something evolved.  Their stories are relative.  Through Reverend Tadd, we even get to see how the human reaction evolves.

This book will seriously make you think about our future.  It lays the foundation for conversations that are being had now in the scientific community but will be had around the kitchen table soon. 

At first, I was a little off with the short story chapter style.  I really got involved with the characters and their part of the human equation when their story would be over.  Every chapter has a conclusion to the individual voice with little bridge to the next chapter.  It was a little jarring.  However, each short story is beautifully built, and I really appreciated the short story format by the end of the book.

You will be able to get your copy Tuesday, December 4.  Head here to pre-order your very own copy.  You won't be disappointed.


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