Self-Sufficient Living

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Two things have been going on this summer. 
1.) I have been watching some kids on summer break.

2.) I've been reading up on self-sufficient living lately, as it is the true passion of our household.

How do these two things combine together to make sense? I have been taking the kids to the library to try and get their noses out of their devices. While they are picking out their books, I discovered an entire shelf dedicated to self-reliance.

Book One: The Good Life--I had been interested in reading this one for quite some time. Unfortunately, I was quite disappointed. First, I didn't realize the Nearings had done their project in the '40s. Second, the book was somewhere in between a memoir and an academic essay. And was successful at neither. I definitely learned a few new tricks, but overall it didn't really explain how to be self-sufficient today.

Book Two: The Resilient Farm--More helpful than The Good Life by being more modern, but not by much. I definitely learned some great tips and goodies, however, it is a textbook so it can be a bit of a slog to find the exact information you are looking for. I read the parts that were most relevant to me and skipped large chunks that weren't. 

Book Three: Barnyard in your Backyard--a reference material that points you to a bunch of different other reference materials. There is good information about distinguishing breeds, but I could just use the internet, thanks.


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