Siege & Sacrifice by Charlie Holmberg

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I am honestly having a difficult time writing a review for the conclusion to the "Numina" trilogy. I hope I make a coherent argument for the novel.

Again, we start exactly where the last book left off, which makes it feel like the series was written as one novel then divided up at strategic heart-wrenching points. This provides a cohesion in the story elements, but hurts it in one big way for me: it felt forced. While the action is amazing and the themes well conceived, the pacing feels absolutely dictated by a need for three novels where one or two would have done more justice to the creation.

I love reading Holmberg's writings because she underscores her fantasy with some seriously thought provoking themes. This series has a strong subtext around our instincts and whether we should listen to that still, small voice.

Her concept of an eternal plane connected to ours, the history of the numen, her depiction of betrayal and its aftermath, the pains of being mortal--all were beautifully developed. The ending is so beautiful, it actually highlights the flaws of making this a trilogy. 

There is so much to be loved about this series, I just wish they wouldn't have forced the story. Holmberg remains my favorite author because she has pure talent, but this series is on the bottom of the pile to reread for me.

You can decide for yourself how you feel three weeks from now when Siege & Sacrifice releases on September 17.


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